Regular dental check-ups can help you save your teeth and money because any disease or decay can be caught in early stages and can be fixed.
Being regular with your dental check-up can prevent or minimise your emergency dental appointments
What is a dental exam?
Just like your regular medical check-up, regular dental check-ups are important as well to prevent or catch the dental problems in initial stages.
It helps you to stay on top of your dental health. Even if you don’t have any pain or other issues with your mouth, you still need to see your dentist at least once a year
If your mouth is healthy, your whole body is healthy!
Your dentist will talk to you about any concerns you have first.
Then they will inform you of any important finding like decay or infection.
If needed will discuss brushing technique and give you dietary advice.
They will help you make a plan for any treatment needed for your teeth.
Our Dentists are all qualified in the dental field and are continously upskilling in new technologies.
We offer up to 24 months interest free* with QMasterCard and also accept GemVisa.
Each appointment is scheduled so that we have ample time to give you the service you deserve.
All of our fillings are Free from Mercury. This is our guarantee to you.
All of our fillings are Free from BPA. Ensuring we preserve and strengthen the tooth long-term.
We know the Dentist can be a daunting place. That’s why we move at you pace and are extra careful.
Copyright by Elite Dental Care 2021. All rights reserved.